Friday 1 February 2008

The Story of a ShapeShifter.

Ok, so after about a week of thinking (as my computer had died, and I had to spend about 3days backing up work and waiting for it to be delivered!)
I decided on my story idea to go in the book.

The Book will be about a Shape shifter, who can literally be anything he wants to be when he grows up. this fits in perfectly with the briefs title 'What I want to do when I grow up.'

I thought that the actual story would be made up by the fater on the spot, and he asks his son questions to develop the story more.

The Books opening scene would be the same scene as the father sat by the kids bed, but toon shaded. (This would mean i only have to model one scene really, and would be quite good as you would be able to tell the direct involvement the characters have to the story)

RD = Real Dad
RS = Real Son
FD = Fake Dad
FS = Fake Son

FD: now remeber, your a shapeshifter so you can be anything you want when you grow up.
What would you like to be today? You have great power so try and use it to help other people.


RD: So what Do you want him to be today then?
RS: He has robotic lobster hands with the body of a fish, no wait a bear.
FS: I want robotic lobster hands with the body of a fish, no wait a bear.
FD: Ok, are you sure that will help people? remember what happened yesterday?
FS: yup!

So the Fake Son goes on a random adventure with the real son changing the story.

FD: So how was it today?
FS: not good, ill choose something better tomorrow.
FD: alright ill see you in the morning

RD:So remember you can be anything youw ant to be when you grow up, but its probably not best to be a robotic lobster...

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