Friday, 1 February 2008


I was thinking about how we could learn the characters through the things they say... and I thought it would be quite funny to have the innocence of the child VS the experience of the adult.

This could be quite funny because we could learn that the adult is quite bitter about his previous relationships,

Kid: And he was in love with a beautiful princess
Adult: but she was a drunk and too good friends with your best mate.

Kid: He was so happy!
Adult: Unfortunatly his dog just died.

Kid: he had to get their in time
Adult: he had to do his tax return.

Kid: He could reach because his arms could grow as long as he wanted..
Adult: but as his arms grew, his legs shrunk.

etc etc

Could also be the adult trying to make the kid shapeshifter what he wanted to be, IE a hot air baloon, whereas the kid only wants to be a postbox. Like parents pushing their children to do things they dont want to do in life.

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